Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Foul Sounds of Youth

Sweetness - Jimmy Eat World
Everlong - Foo Fighters
Forever and Ever, Amen - The Drums
Younger Us - Japandroids

There are more songs about youth, but these four mean a lot to me. So I'm writing it down before I forget and get old. My favourite lyrics are as follows:

"If you're listening."
"If everything could ever feel this real forever, if anything could ever be this again."
"And it's forever, baby, it's forever."
"Give me younger us."

Honourable mentions:
Hard To Explain - The Strokes
Fat Lip - Sum 41
Blitzkrieg Bop - The Ramones
We Are Going To Be Friends - The White Stripes
Banquet - Bloc Party
Saria's Song - Koji Kondo

New York, March 1954 by Vivian Maier

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Oh wow, it's like I totally skipped a year of blogging...however, I did not stop writing.
I had an ambitious project in my twisted head about a city, my own city like Gotham or a Neo-Tokyo to suit my image, or even a large populated town like Malgudi. Determined to make links with characters and stories, I let it marinate; the links and interplay struck more at night than in the day and I had to write it down ASAP (usually in my phone's message drafts or in my handy-dandy-notebook). Who/what was my muse? A mix of boredom, inspiration and the age-old, tried and true, propulsion of turning pain into art.
Some interesting things I found in 2012:
- erratic people are cute
- CityRail can only get slower
- looking for a full-time job is not as easy as uni made it out to be
- getting left out of big events hurts (but I stand by my choice of not having a Facebook, having sold my soul long ago to Google when I created a Gmail account and they started tracking EVERY search term I've ever typed up)
*NB big events is defined as something life-changing, not something petty like a graduation/house party/Friday night out to see a band before they break up, no, more like a book launch or an art exhibit opening...thanks guys...
- feeling inadequate is similar to the expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", best to get over it and move on
- being purposefully lost is a great feeling

Oh and I went to Europe for 2 months, saw snowfall and skied for the first time, gained some muscle weight, spoke bad German confidently, and made my manager so angry at me, I now consider it a lifetime achievement to be still working in the same place as her.

I would love to go to Scandinavia, someday.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Death of MSN Messenger

Thank you for letting me waste those hours, savour those awkward moments of misunderstanding and overall lols. It's not March 15 yet, but I reckon I'll get even more sappy writing something then. MSN taught me so much about interacting online; my favourite is that one's tone of voice can't always be translated to text. Here's to my favourite computer program growing up, not KaZaA/LimeWire, not Winamp, not Minesweeper/Solitaire, but MSN Messenger.